In this paper, we propose a new versatile routing device that utilizes arrayed waveguide\ngratings (AWGs), optical switches, and optical circulators to implement reconfigurable optical add/drop\nmultiplexers (ROADMs), optical interleavers, and optical cross-connect (OXC).With the development of\ndense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology, ROADM and OXC technologies have also\nbeen put into practical use. Thus, the optical signal can be routed directly in the optical network according\nto its wavelength without the need for optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversion. Although different\noptical network units (ONUs) have different bandwidth requirements, the use of optical interleavers has\nsuccessfully solved the connection problem between old and new systems. According to the numerical\nexperiments of static characteristics, the proposed routing device can effectively implement three different\nfunctionalities, thereby providing greater flexibility for fiber optic network applications.